Executive Search

We help you to pinpoint your organizational needs and utilize them as the driving criteria to find the best candidates.

We start a search by understanding what challenges you are facing. We look at your market, positioning, competition, culture, identity – the DNA of your company. Our aim is to truly understand what you want to accomplish, how, and why.

With your vision in mind we develop a detailed position profile. During our structured search process, we will continuously collaborate with you to present our market findings. With your feedback we fine-tune our search and present to you the perfect match.

After the assessment and appraisal of candidates we will help you to take a well-balanced decision by comprehensive referencing the candidates.

Focused on the following functions we work across industries.


CFO and Finance Functions

Supervisory Board, Operating Partners

Integration Programm and Coaching

Our commitment to you does not end when we place a candidate. For us success is not simply the placement but rather the long-term business impact a great leader will have. Our Integration program goes far beyond onboarding by fully immersing the new hire into your business, team dynamics, and culture to get leaders off to their best start.

As the journey continues, we can help to unlock the potential in individuals, teams, and organizations.